HybriD Conductive AFM
Conductivity mapping while fast force spectroscopy measurements

Key benefits of HD CP-AFM:
- Ability to study the conductivity of soft, loose and brittle samples: Since the AFM tip moves away from the surface at each scanning point, the force of lateral interaction between the tip and the sample is significantly reduced compared to traditional contact AFM.
- Simultaneous nanomechanical studies.
HD CP-AFM Images of carbon nanotubes on Si substrate
The map below shows that the current flows only through a select number of nanotubes and, most likely, these contrast changes point out that nanotubes exhibit conducting and semiconducting behavior.
The current measurements were performed only in the touching part of the oscillatory cycle.

Non-destructive Conductive studies simultaneously with QNM measurements
Electrical characterization of objects, that are weakly attached to the surface, has always been a challenge when using standard AFM modes like Conductive AFM. This was because often the tip moved or abraded the objects of interest. HybriD Mode drastically decreased the impact of lateral forces and simplified these experiments.Comparison of conductive and mechanical maps shown in this example allows the clear identification of single nanotubes and bundles.

HD CP-AFM study of carbon Nanotubes on Silicon. Sample courtesy: Dr. Kuljanishvili, Saint Louis University, Department of Physics. Scansize: 1×1 µm

HD CP-AFM study of coupled carbon and peptide nanotubes. Sample courtesy: Dr. J. Montenegro, University Santiago de Compostela. Scansize: 3×3 μm