The 4th International school-conference "Scanning Probe Microscopy for Biological Systems – 2022"
The 4th International hybrid school-conference "Scanning Probe Microscopy for Biological Systems - 2022" (BioSPM – 2022), which will be held on November 24 -25, is intended for researchers involved in the development of SPM methods, as well as users of scanning probe microscopes from all scientific and industrial disciplines such as biology, pharmaceuticals, materials science, fundamental physics, life sciences, semiconductor industry and energy.
BioSPM – 2022 is aimed at identifying and analyzing important problems associated with modern technologies and functional visualization of nanostructures using various modes of scanning probe microscopy, the latest achievements and opportunities for new research topics.
The goal of BioSPM – 2022 is to improve the communication network in the field of life sciences and to unite researchers with a common interest in the role of SPM in explaining new biological, physical and chemical phenomena.